Dr. Downey is a Ten Time Seattle Top Plastic Surgeon!
It is an honor to be selected again (10th time!) as a Top Doctor in Seattle Met’s, Seattle Magazine, and Puget Sound Consumer Checkbook’s annual rankings. Nearly 4,000 doctors in the Seattle metropolitan area participated in our new and improved survey, the result of a partnership between Seattle Met and Avvo.com. Avvo rates and profiles 90 percent of doctors in the U.S., including every doctor in Washington State.
The 2012 survey is more comprehensive than ever, with active participation from almost 40 percent of doctors practicing in King, Kitsap, and Snohomish counties, and parts of Pierce County. Avvo’s proprietary algorithms rate doctors on a 10-point scale, employing not only peer endorsements but factors such as experience, education, training, disciplinary history, fellowships, hospital privileges, and awards. Avvo’s dynamic ratings of the 9,933 doctors in the survey area are regularly refreshed based on new information gleaned from doctors as well as from certifying and licensing boards. The doctors Seattle Met selects represent the top 5 percent of practitioners in their fields. The survey asked fellow doctors to name the colleagues they would choose to treat themselves and their loved ones. The resulting list of the top practitioners in their fields is presented alphabetically by specialty and alphabetically by last name.
The nice thing about this method of Top Doc selection is that it cannot be purchased, and is strongly influenced by objective measurements like training in genuine ABMS specialties like Plastic Surgery (not “cosmetic surgery” or “facial plastic surgery” or “oculoplastics”), and number and favor of patient reviews.
I am blessed to have such a terrific occupations and to have the chance to care for many enthusiastic patients!
How Will DDD or E Cup Look Like After Breast Reduction to C Cup?
How does breast reduction influence bra size? (from RealSelf.com)
Most colleague plastic surgeons will waffle on this seemingly simple question, myself included. I specifically state that the purpose of breast reduction is reduction in symptoms, such as chronic back neck and shoulder pain & rashes underneath the breasts, not a specific bra size.
The amount of breast tissue and excess skin taken away and their influence on bra size vary according to the tissue itself as well as the overall shape and dimension of the chest wall underneath the breasts.
As many patients will attest, the operation is generally quite successful in improving symptoms when they (the breasts) are the culprits involved in excess loading of the back neck and shoulders.
I usually reassure patients that purchasing bras “off the rack” will be easier after the operation even if they remain relatively full breasted.
Good luck in your pursuit of improved comfort and mobility!
Dan Downey MD FACS
Downey Plastic Surgery
Seattle, WA
The Doctor Is In
Hello and Happy Summer!
This month marks the beginning of a change in direction for the blog.
I will be cross posting Twitter feeds, Facebook postings, and RealSelf.com answers to plastic surgery questions right here.
Check out the wider and fresher variety of postings.
But don’t forget to log off and go outside and play too.
Five Thousand
Cinq mille. Fünftausend. Cinque mila. Femtusen.
Can you believe it?
Today we registered our 5000th new patient to join Downey Plastic Surgery. This is since our inception in 2006. That’s a pretty good pace of growth.
We simply abide by our mission of sensible, individualized, quality plastic surgical care. I am blessed with a fantastic staff who care for our patients the way you and I would prefer to be cared for. I am very proud of them.
Thank you everyone for patronizing the practice with word of mouth referrals or recommendations from your own physicians. It is a real honor to be able to care for patients in this specialty of medicine.